The scientific name for the Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) is together with the Red Fox ( Vulpes vulpes), Fallow Deer ( Dama dama), Harlequin Duck ( Histrionicus histrionicus), American Buffalo ( Bison bison bison), Axis Deer ( Axis axis), Moose ( Acles acles), Greylag Goose ( Anser anser), Willow Ptarmigan ( Lagolpus lagopus) and the Eurasian Lynx ( Lynx lynx) a tautonym: a scientific name in which both parts of the name have the same spelling.The author Felix Salten was a hunter by the way. But Disney changed him to a Whitetail Deer because that species was more recognizable to Americans. In French, they are known as "Chevreuil".Part of the original cast of animals huntable at launch.It is one of three huntable animals in the game of the species of Sus scrofa (Boar), the other ones being the Wild Boar and the Wild Hog. The Feral Pig is identical in all aspects to the Wild Hog in the Mississippi Acres Preserve. The Feral Pig is a huntable animal in the Te Awaroa National Park and the Emerald Coast It is a class 4 animal. After a few generations of being in the wild it is very hard to distinguish them from their wild boar ancestors." ― In-Game Description Pigs are very quick to take on the physical characteristics of wild boars.

They rely on their strong senses and great speed to spot and escape threats. Pronghorns are well-adapted to the open plains, they inhabit. The tail is long, provides no vital organs to. Shooting in the tail would not be advised. They can be hunted on Mississippi Acres Preserve. It is the 1st huntable reptile to be introduced, and as such is the first crocodilian to be introduced, predating the Saltwater Crocodile. Often colloquially referred to as 'American antelope, they are not closely related to the true antelopes inhabiting Africa. The American Alligator is a Class 6 reptile in the order Crocodylia. Feral pigs and wild hogs also have a patch of hair running along their backs. The pronghorn is a species endemic to the Western plains of North America.

Their stronger frame and muscular neck helps them forage for food. Interestingly, their tail is straight with a bushy tip, unlike the curly tail of a domestic pig. They are smaller, have a more muscular frame, a longer and flatter snout and their forequarters are larger than their hindquarters. " Both feral and domestic pigs can trace their ancestry back to the wild boar and although feral pigs look similar to their domestic kin there are a few differences.