Francis chan video book of james
Francis chan video book of james

francis chan video book of james

Or we secretly question their common sense or intellectual skills because of where they live. Or we think of the schools they’ve attended, or perhaps the schools into which they were denied acceptance. Or we look at the way they dress or the way they talk and inwardly turn up our noses because they lack the sophistication in which we take pride. We look at those whose skin color is different from ours and conclude that they are for that reason alone inferior in some way to us they are of less value they should be treated with less respect and shown less honor. It’s hard to think of a sin within that is more wicked and contrary to the will of God than the feelings of superiority and condescension we have toward people who are different from us. This sin is not only secret, but also sinister. People who readily confess that they struggle with lust or unforgiveness or bitterness will rarely be honest enough to admit that they are prejudiced towards people of a different ethnicity or socio-economic group. I say it is secret not only because it can’t be seen or smelled or touched but especially because we are passionately committed to denying that it even exists. I may be wrong, but my sense is that, in 2015, the most secret sin of all may well be that of partiality and prejudice. I mention this today because of what I read in James 2:1-13. Typically we wouldn’t know if someone is failing in these ways unless they tell us about their internal struggles. This is even more so the case with sins like jealousy or envy or bitterness or lust. Unless you are an actual eye-witness to adultery, it’s hard to prove. People seem to get away with adultery more times than not.

francis chan video book of james

Other sins, however, are more covert and secret. If you have eyes and ears you can know instantly whether such sins are being committed. The same is true of obscene or profane speech. It’s obvious to even the casual observer if someone is intoxicated. Public drunkenness, for example, or profane speech are readily identifiable. All of us know that some sins are more conspicuous and overt than others.

Francis chan video book of james