Only this mission is broken I can play endless mode.

To look for a specific title, press CTRL and F on your computer keyboard at the same time and type in the game name you're looking for. To quickly search this list, click on the required letter below to be taken to this section. Hi, as I said in the title the game crashs everytime I try to start the first mission. Take special care of customers with reservations and place flowers at tables in order to make diners happier. Bring five restaurants back to life, and meet new customers like the Hungry Man and the Celebrity. It is always best to first try the steps outlined in the tips and tricks help page. On a visit to her hometown, Flo and her Grandma Florence take a stroll down memory lane. NOTE: With each Windows 10 update or when updating to Windows 11, games on this list may become incompatible or you may start to experience issues.For a list of games that are not compatible with Windows 10 or 11, please click here.